Online Courses for the Water Well Industry
The International School of Well Drilling offers accredited online continuing education for water well contractors. We are approved by 27 states as an online education source for state license holders needing to fulfill license renewal requirements.
Our available online courses are listed below. To get started, click the Access Course button beneath any course in the table below and then click the Purchase button on the course page.
ISWD offers its entire menu of online CEUs in a classroom-based format as well. One CEU-weight offerings take 1 hour of class time.
For information about arranging onsite CEU classes anywhere in the U.S., or for help using this site, contact: director@welldrillingschool.com

Aquifer Storage Recovery
An introduction to the theory and current application of storing water in aquifers for later recovery. Examples and issues of concern are discussed.

Basic Geology
A review of the geologic events that resulted in the formation of the earth’s water resources.

Directional Drilling I
Directional Drilling Part I traces the evolution of Directional Drilling from its beginnings to the present.

Directional Drilling II
Directional Drilling Part II expands on current directional drilling bottom hole assembly tools and also discusses Horizontal Directional Drilling.

Drilling Methods I
A review of hole making methods commonly employed by water well drillers. Mention is made of hole making methods used by other drilling sectors such as geotechnical and environmental.

Drilling Methods II
A review of hole making methods commonly employed by water well drillers. Mention is made of hole making methods used by other drilling sectors such as geotechnical and environmental.

Drilling Methods III
A review of hole making methods commonly employed by water well drillers. Mention is made of hole making methods used by other drilling sectors such as geotechnical and environmental.

Drilling Safety
This continuing education unit discusses the most common dangers involved in well drilling, and highlights essential safety precautions and practices.

Geothermal Heating And Cooling Systems I
An introduction to geothermal heating and cooling systems with emphasis on the variety of ground loop installations in current use around the world. This course is offered in two sections.

Geothermal Heating And Cooling Systems II
An introduction to geothermal heating and cooling systems with emphasis on the variety of ground loop installations in current use around the world. This course is offered in two sections.

Groundwater Basics
Program discusses the origin of groundwater, groundwater storage, groundwater movement, total groundwater resources, and current actions to preserve, protect and restore this essential resource.

Grouting I
Introduction to the use of cement and bentonite water well grouts including the findings of the Nebraska Grout Study.

Grouting II
Cement and Bentonite grout insertion methods including discussion of casing collapse and buoyancy factor.

Injection Wells
A generic review of Injection Well construction, regulation, classification and occurrence.

Introduction to Pumps
An introduction to pumps, including basic troubleshooting of jet, centrifugal, and submersible pumps.

Pumps Part II
A review of the most common positive displacement pump types encountered by water well contractors and pump installers.

Mississippi Statutes and Rules
A review of the Mississippi Statutes and Rules for license holders and apprentices.

Oklahoma Statutes and Rules
A review of the Oklahoma Statutes and Rules for license holders and apprentices.

Texas Statutes and Rules Review
This course is an annual requirement for all TX license holders and apprentices! A one hour review of TX Statutes and Rules

Well Abandonment
The purpose of this course is to refresh the awareness of the course completer as to the reasons for proper water well abandonment.

Well Development
“It’s what makes the hole a well!” The importance of Well Development. An Introduction.

Well Rehabilitation I
This continuing education unit discusses the most common causes of deteriorating well performance and the methods, both traditional and of more recent introduction, contractors are using to address this problem.

Well Rehabilitation II
This second hour of the Well Rehabilitation Course focuses on specific methods of water well rehabilitation, both traditional and those based on more recent research.
Contact Us
What if
I have a power outage or a computer crash etc. while I am doing my course?
No Problem – Simply log in to the ISWD site, www.welldrillingschool.com once again and the site will allow you to resume where you left off.
I cannot complete the full course in one sitting?
No Problem – ISWD’s new site remembers where you left off. Simply log back into our site – www.welldrillingschool.com and resume your course.
I do not receive my certificate?
No Problem. – You can contact ISWD by simply pressing the RED Contact Us button on the home page of our website. This will allow you to send us an email. Please tell us: 1. Your name; 2. Your State; 3. The name of the course you took online, 4. The date you took the course. And, 5. Very importantly – Your correct email address. When we receive this information from you, we will send you a duplicate copy of your certificate.
I do not have a license Number. I am an apprentice or just want to do a course for general interest?
No Problem. – In the space where it asks for your License/Apprentice Number, simply type – Applicant.